Monday, November 23, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Gut Reactions?
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
What do you do?
Monday, November 2, 2009
I..wish, want, dream List

I really want to move into a new state, anywhere but Ohio! Warmer would be nice. Any ideas?
Because I love cooking and my knives are pretty flimsy.. i want the Ronco knive set Because I love to read I want my bookshelf to have the following books: Dan Brown ~ Lost Symbol P. C. Cast ~ Tempted; Hunted; Untamed; Chosen; Betrayed and Marked Kelley Armstrong ~ Frostbitten; Summoning; Living with the dead; No Humans Involved; Haunted; Industrial Magic and Dime Store Magic
Missing You
Missing you
My heart aches within from missing you My lips long for the feel of kissing you Right now all I need is to gently touch your skin To look into yoru eyes from deep within Just one warm embrace Just to look upon your face From the one I love so much If I could gaze upon your smile For even jsut a little while To know that you miss me too As I am laying here, crying for you To hear the sound of your breath Knowing you didnt really leave To see you walk up to me Then embrace you tenderly To just be with the one who has sent my heart reeling And brought about this down pour of emotions and feeling I've told you many thoughts that weren't borrowed or bought And in a lifetime, who would have thought That I have found someone was meant just for me I can't explain the magic or why this should be But there is something I know for certain That this just ain't over till the down falls the final curtain For I've seen angel and I want you to know It's my choice to make, I'll never let you go. Don't know what life holds, maybe there is no reason or rhyme To think you may be mine all of the time And though I can't touch yiou and now we are apart My love, you will forever dwell so deep with my soul and heart.